Monday 14 May 2007

The weather hates me a lot

You can usually tell when I have a week off work, as the posts on this blog stop. Which means that last week, I was indeed off. No work, no plans, no worries.

I was thinking about getting some skating done, spending some time in the sunshine and maybe even going mountainboarding. So what did the weather do? Fuck with me, that's what. The week I was working nights? It was sunny weather. It was summer. What happened as soon as I was free from the shackles of nocturnal work? IT RAINED. I'm sure Moses didn't see this much damn rain.

Today, I am back behind the desk in my office. What's the weather doing? The sunshine's back again. See - clear and concise proof that the weather hates me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're suffering from SAD mate.

Not Seasonal Affection Disorder, you're just a SAD bastard....

Heh, sorry, couldn't resist it... :)