Monday 14 May 2007

Red Smarties are made from beetles.

I know that it sounds like something that you're told in a school playground, but this one is actually true!

For those who can't be bothered to click the link, what you basically find out is that the red colouring used by Smarties is processed from the dried body of the female cochineal insect. Now, I've been eating Smarties for years, and no-one ever told me this! Admittedly, in what's probably described (now I know about this beetle shit) as too little too late, I stopped eating Smarties when they stopped making them in tubes.

Elsewhere in the article, they say that Guiness is made of fish bladders. Fuck it, I don't drink Guiness so I don't care. I'm more worried about the news that I've been eating fucking beetles!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ewwwww, I mean, seriously now, can we not synthesise this shit?

Poor little beetle....