Tuesday 31 July 2007

Surfing level 2 - what I have learnt

So after the incredibly long and vague post about the last 2 weeks, I think I'll take some time to talk about my progress into becoming a surfing legend.

For those of you who've ever tried surfing, you'll know that it's a lot harder than it looks - so despite the fact that I've been working hard, I'm not exactly awesome just yet. I have however reached an important landmark - I'm starting to get 'out back.'

I am however still falling off the board a lot. I've gone over the side, off the back and over the nose of the board more times than I care to count. I'm still loving it though. I also got a real treat a couple of days ago. Just as I was getting out to the line up I saw what looked like a dog's head pop up about 10 feet ahead of me. It looked at me for a bit and then dived into the water and vanished. I've seen seals before (at zoos & stuff), but never this close, and never in the wild. It was a strange and rather beautiful experience as it was a quiet day in the surf, and there weren't many other folk around when this happened - but it was definitely awesome.

Monday 30 July 2007

Where I have been

So I haven't posted anything on here for about 2 weeks. That's because I have been away for 2 weeks.

I booked the leave in order to go to north Devon, watch the Fat Face Night Air event, and catch up with some of my friends in the world of mountainboarding. The fact that I have a shiny new surfboard, and that north Devon has some very nice surfing beaches wasn't anything to do with it (ok, it had quite a lot to do with it).

When I arrived at the competition venue on the Tuesday afternoon, I found it all strangely deserted, and was told that some people were over at Ivyleaf mountainboard centre. As it was only half an hour away, I jumped back in the car and headed on down. When I got there, I got to meet up with some old friends from 2 mountainboard teams - Trampa & the BFC. All very lovely people. After a couple of days there (which included taking the BFC surfing) I headed to SWMBC to watch the event. Despite the rather dodgy weather the event was a lot of fun, and I got to meet up with a lot of old friends that I hadn't seen for a while (many of whom didn't recognise me now I'm not a ball of stress & rage).

While I was there, one of the people I was going to spend the next week with had the temerity to up and break her forearm rather badly (managing to snap both the radial & pirelli bones) so had to be shipped off to Barnstaple hospital. It made for an interesting few days where we spent mornings surfing, and afternoons visiting Kerry in hospital while she waited patiently for the surgeons to use some meccano to stick her arm back together.

Once she was released, we drove down to Gwithian sands and after depositing Kerry at her sister's we pitched up a tent in a very nice family run campsite. After a week of living in a field with a portaloo and a stoptap being the extent of the facilities, it was very nice to have hot showers, plumbed toilets and electricity readily available. I was also able to continue my surfing adventure, and also managed to get some more mountainboarders to give it a try.

So there you go - 2 weeks, 4 breaks surfed, 8 mountainboarders dragged surfing with me, 2 bones broken, and 12 screws placed in one arm. All in all, a really fun 2 weeks.

Oh - I also tried Pimms for the first time. Apparently this means I am now officially middle class.

Sunday 15 July 2007

Some people have awesome cars

See what I mean? Saw this in Cardiff a couple of weeks ago.

Saturday 14 July 2007

Swans. Thousands of them!

Well ok, not thousands strictly speaking, but loads. There's a lake across from where I'm sat at the moment and a quick count comes in at 31. It's quite a strange sight really - I've seen swans before, but usually there's only a handful of them gliding about as other waterfowl scoot around them. But not here. 31 swans, and no other birds in site. Perhaps it's a convention or something. Maybe they're plotting. It wouldn't surprise me. They can break a man's arm with their wings you know.

Must suck to be that man.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the silver surfer

Here is my review -

If you are going to go and see this movie, spare yourself the trouble. I would suggest slamming your hand in a doorway as a suitable alternative. It's a similar experience, and you can explain your whereabouts to friends and family with less embarassment.

Man it's a piece of shit. The only thing that comes anywhere near to a saving grace is the back and forth between Thing & Torch. Apart from that it sucks. I also can't help but wonder who came up with the idea to have Doctor Doom in this movie as well. He was shit in the first film - putting him in this film doesn't make him less shit. Shittyness isn't like magnetic charges. Two shitty appearances don't cancel each other out - they add together for double the shittyness.

So yeah - don't go and see the Fantastic Four film. Go and see 'Flying Scotsman' instead. It's a film about a hobbit on a bike riding in circles - and just by having that much plot, it's guaranteed to be better than Fantastic Four.

Things about Wales...

Yep - all this activity is a pretty feeble attempt on my part to make amends for my previous quiet spell...but at least I'm not just posting lists of random facts and shitty poetry...

Of course, the fact that Wales is getting it's own encyclopedia means that I practically have to give you this list of potential titbits

Swansea is Britain's wettest city.
Wales produces more energy than it consumes.
Felinfoel Brewery was the first in Europe to can beer.
The highest mountain in the world was named after a Welshman - George Everest.

Well at least I'm not posting shitty poetry.

This is round the corner from me!


I don't know what's more surprising - that the weed was there, or that someone grassed them up.

Puns are awesome aren't they!

There's been a lull in activity

I mean it's not like the world's gone dead - I've just been a bit slack.

It's not like there isn't news out there that I could comment on. I mean there's been George Bush making kids cry, Starbucks showing that they're not completely oblivious to public opinion, and Louisiana banning cockfighting (though that's not as spectacular as you think - at the start of 2007 it was also legal in New Mexico).

The current series of Doctor Who ended, and I have to be honest - after dedicating 2 entries in this blog to the series, after saying how good it was, and after suggesting you should watch it I feel I should apologise for the final episode as it was fucking naff. I have to say that John Simm showed just how good an actor he is, and Russell Davies showed just how bad a writer he is (I wish I was exaggerating).

The main problem however has been that I've actually been surfing, and I'm pretty damn addicted. After years of falling on tarmac, rocks, gravel and trees; the wipeouts in surfing offer an enjoyable alternative. I'm also finding out that surfing is by far one of the most physically demanding activities I've ever done. But here's the thing that appeals - in the other sports I do - skateboarding, snowboarding, mountainboarding - it's always helpful to have a 'crew' around you. A bunch of other riders to hook up with on a regular basis, and to go out and push each other with. Now while I definitely had that in London, I don't feel that I've had it in Cardiff. Don't get me wrong, there are people in Cardiff who I go riding with, but there's not been that connection that comes with a crew. I don't particularly know why, but it's probably my fault... Surfing feels more of a solitary pastime. It's more about you & the wave, and while I've found it nice to sit out there and chat with other surfers around me, I'm yet to ask anyone their name (or have my name asked) and it's more just about a bit of idle chat while you wait for your wave to show up.

And for those of you who want to know how good I am? I'm fucking awful.

Killdozer 2: Son of Dozer

Well not really, but pretty close.

You have to admire the fact that it took 90 minutes to arrest a guy travelling at 19 miles per hours. Segways travel faster than that. Obviously, the police were busy at their annual 'It's July 13th' Barbeque bash.

I did ask for a comment, but apparently the police were busy at their annual 'It's July 14th' Barbeque bash. What are the odds huh?

Thursday 5 July 2007

Cricket is the new sport of hooligans

Apparently, all the work that's being done to improve the accessibility of cricket to the general public might be a bit too successful. There have been complaints about crowd behaviour, and the general consensus from clubs is that the Twenty20 games are attracting entirely the wrong kind of people. There's talk of professional security and increased police presence.

The MCC have also taken complaints that some people are turning up to watch test matches in casual attire and are drinking their port out of the wrong glass. Whatever next!

The smoking ban is the work of satan

According to this vicar.

Sheesh. I mean let's be honest, I'm not exactly unbiased on this one am I? But even I see this as a bit of a stretch. Though you have to grin when you picture this outraged clergyman asking to be arrested and being told that it isn't a crime, it's an environmental health issue.

So that wouldn't be a breach of civil liberties would it vicar? Hmm. Obviously too busy huffing Myrr to find out what he's getting indignant about.

Sod off! I've been busy!

Yes, I haven't been paying enough attention to the blog of late.

No, I'm not giving up - I've just been rather hectic. So let's do a quick roundup of what's happened.

We have a new prime minister. The conservatives are complaining that he's unelected and that it's not happened for ages. So by ages you mean since JOHN MAJOR?

Parents are complaining about the inclusion of an advert about Madeline McCann in Odeon cinemas. I lost my coat a little while back, so I'm going to be writing to the head of Odeon to ask that my coat gets equal treatment.

Harry Potter film number shitloads is out. The kid who plays Hermione has said she's quitting because internet geeks are creeping her the fuck out. Can't really argue with that one.

Someone tried to blow up Glasgow. I'm not convinced that destroying what is essentially a city of violent thugs and drunks isn't 'progress' rather than 'terrorism'.

I have a new shift pattern. This means that I will be working more nights. Arse.

I've spent last weekend both surfing and snowboarding. Now that's what all weekends should be like. Well, maybe with some sex as well, but pretty cool all in all.

Facebook apparently is the new Myspace. I have to be honest, the lack of shitty emo music at every click is a good thing. As is the fact that reading profiles is 74% less likely to cause epileptic seizures.