Thursday 24 May 2007

McDonalds - not just an evil corporate giant...

...but they're also completely out of touch with reality.

I had heard about this piece of news a while back and dismissed it as a fucking stupid idea but apparently the PR bods at MaccyDees disagree with me.

For those of you too slack to read the beeb's coverage - this is McDonald's attempt to get the Oxford English Dictionary to change the definition of a McJob. The definition is currently -

Mc·Job –noun: an unstimulating, low-wage job with few benefits, esp. in a service industry.

Now, thanks to, McDonalds are hoping to get enough signatures to force the OED to change it around. I sincerely hope that this is as much of a PR disaster for them as the McLibel case was.

If you would like to complain about the idea that McDonalds is using corporate influence against a British institution, then I would direct you to email David Fairhurst, senior vice president of the company and ask him to keep his hands off the English language.

You might also want to get in touch with Clive Betts MP and express your distaste for this piece of arse kissing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bastard. You just made me remember that they're doing a Ciabatta Steak Burger with bacon and Relish. Hmmmmm.... Relish....