Thursday 3 May 2007

Electionfest 2007!

That's right, it's that wonderful time of the year when democracy goes into action.

For those who don't know, today has been election day for the Welsh Assembly. For those of you who don't know what the Welsh Assembly is, it's a secondary legislature dedicated to Wales. This means that for the assembly has the ability to edit laws passed to it by Westminster (there are limits). A couple of quick real life examples of this power in action for you - In Wales smoking is already banned in all public places, and NHS prescriptions are free.

Now, onto the fun bit. I love voting, I know how important it is, and it boggles my mind that in an age when so many people rail against oppresive regimes elsewhere they consider not excersing their right to participate in democracy by voting.

For some reason though, there are some people out there trying to get elected who really do seem a few sandwiches short of a picnic. As an example, the BNP have put forth candidates for the Assembly this year. This means that I had the distinct pleasure of receiving a campaign leaflet from everyone's favourite fascists.

One of the most amusing parts is that they claim that all the main parties have signed a "Politically correct Pledge Card produced by various taxpayer-funded 'bleeding hearts' groups." So that's not a loaded statement at all.

What they're referring to is, an initiative to help the 0.1% of the Welsh population who are immigrants to get themselves above the poverty line (the vast majority of immigrants to Wales are currently below this line).

Keep A Welcome have come up with 4 pledges. This is directly copied from their website...
1. Welcome people seeking safety from persecution
2. Empower refugees to rebuild their lives
3. Provide fair and equal access to services
4. Protect children and young people
5. Develop a strong evidence base

And here is what the BNP say the pledges are (the smartarse comments in brackets are mine)...
1. Help even more foreigners flood Wales (0.1% is not a flood! If you had a 10 metre deep swimming pool, adding 0.1% is one centimetre extra. NOT A BLOODY FLOOD!)
2. Put asylum seekers before Welsh voters and their families (well that's a bit of a lie isn't it)
3. Keep using taxpayers' money to fund Politically Correct multiculturalism (hang on - number 3's about service access isn't?)
4. Encourage more cheap foreign labour into Wales to drive down wages (well, I suppose that children are traditionally paid less. Are we giving them hardhats and high-vis jackets?)
5. Plot to deny you a democratic choice on their sceme to 'multi-culturalise' Wales (Plot & scheme? The BNP seem to want us to believe that those in favour of multiculturalism are supervillains with fu-manchu beards to stroke while they connive to conquer the world).

So there you are - a quick look at one of the parties standing in today's Welsh assembly elections. To summarise for you all - The BNP - a gang of facist liars who will make anything up to be elected.

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