Saturday 4 August 2007

Oh look - it's August.

Hopefully this won't curse it for everyone, but it looks like summer's finally arrived. I did notice that while I was away in Cornwall getting a bit rained on, some folk (like the whole of Gloucestershire) got rather a lot more water than they'd have liked.

But now that I'm on nightshifts, and have another 3 very busy weeks at work coming up it seems that the weather has chosen this point in time to sort it's shit out (which is all rather typical).

On the up side, it gives me a chance to catch up on email, be sarcastic on the internet and read some stuff. So it ain't all bad.

I also want to take this moment to do some quick catching up on stuff that I've missed by being away and/or lazy as fuck.

1. We have a new PM. So far, he seems to be an improvement over Blair.
2. 2 American news choppers crashed while covering a highspeed pursuit.
3. Foot & Mouth disease is back, and this time it has a machine gun.

I'd also like to thank my good friend Jon for freaking me the fuck out with his talk about the weeverfish. The way he'd described it, I was expecting some evil bastard of a toothy googly eyed predator - not the maritime equivalent of a wasp.

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