I seem to recall around 14 months ago, I moved from London to Cardiff. Some people who read this might recall that as well, but this isn't your blog it's mine. So tough cookies on that one I'm afraid.
Now, there was a completely lame attempt by me to have one hosted on my own domain, but a combination of me really not being bothered by the whole idea, and the fact that the subdomain forwarding never worked properly meant that I was a little stuck.
So why am I creating this? Has there been some great epiphany? Nope, I just figured it was time to pull my finger out and get this moving.
I know from personal experience htat there are blogs out there with themes, ideas concepts and the like, but this for me is much more about me stretching my mind, and putting ideas in a format that I can then read and look at in a slightly more rational way than if they're pinging around inside my head like an excited electron just looking for an unstable hydrogen molecule to split (is that right? Nuclear physics isn't my subject...but I thought the fission comparison would be geeky and endearing).
Now while I'm being geeky, I want to take a moment to talk about David Cameron being the champion of the NHS. I am full of admiration for this man. How he can be so charming convincing and straight faced when he, as the leader of the conservative party talks about how to save the NHS I just don't understand. I mean, as ironic humour goes, it's up there with the best. At this point, I'm sure some of the better bloggers out there would give you links to how Thatcher ravaged the NHS, how Michael Howard wanted to give out vouchers for private healthcare rather than fund the NHS or how Cameron's own shadow chancellor is tabling huge tax cuts that others suggest would mean that they'd have to cut millions from the NHS. But I'm a bit too new to the blogosphere to be doing that, and besides, I don't particularly want to encourage you to abandon your normally favourite haunts. After all, I may well revert to total laziness and not keep this up to date.
Last thing is this : Lemmings aren't suicidal. The idea was Walt Disney's and he staged the whole thing in Newfoundland. The footage was created by getting production assistants to throw lemmings over a cliff.
Some people get all the best jobs.
1 comment:
Lemmings aren't suicidal. They're just feeling a bit down... :O)
They do run over ledges into water, which gave rise to the myth well before Disney got in on the act you slanderous blogger you!
They can overpopulate areas and tend to crowd an area badly, and lemmings follow each other a bit like sheep sometims. SOOOOOOO... when a lemming tries to run to space only to find that there's a cliff and a huge drop in front, it tries to stop only to be pushed over by the hundreds of mates following him at a great pace, and oopsy days it's into the sink they go... SO although it's true that the Disney filmmakers DID use lemmings to fake a scene, they weren't the origin of the myth, they merely perpetuated it.
Do your research son. Do your research... Google's there for a reason y'know? ;O)
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