Just thought I'd be cheerful today for a bit.
I've been reading a lot of stuff over the last couple of days and I'm going to share some of it with you. It's a generous move all in all, but that's because I'm a generous guy and it's important to be friendly when you've been up since 5:30 in the morning. Unsurprisingly, the cheerfulness vanishes later, but for now at least I'm chirpy.
I've been following political stuff lately. I've always been mildly interested in what goes on in the halls of power, but if I'm going to be dedicated to this blog I thought I'd share some stuff with you. So for example if you head over to the Guardian's Organmonkey webblog, you can read about how John Simpson on BBC's today show has apparently reached the conclusion that the government's WMD intelligence may have been sexed up. It appears that for the 4th anniversary of the war in Iraq, the BBC are giving old reports to different reporters and changing the words around a bit.
So it's a bit like giving your wife the same present but with a different colour bow on it.
There's also a potentially interesting blog over at the beeb website. Sexily titled Open Secrets it's written by Martin Rosenbaum, a journalist who confesses to enjoy reading other people's documents. This presumably means that he's the kind of unmitigated bastard who reads your newspaper over your shoulder on the tube. So I guess I've found a kindred spirit.
There you go, 2 recommendations for you to have a look at. Anyway, I'm going to go and try to be a stalinist bully to my colleagues. More later.
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