Saturday, 31 March 2007

I am a rudderless boat upon the ocean

I recently discovered that my housemate has a list of goals that she wants to complete by the time that she's 30, and a second list of stuff that she wants sorted by the time she's 35. These aren't lists in her head - these are written down, and pinned up on the wall of our study. Unsurprisingly, this got me thinking - I have nothing like that, and the thought of creating any kind of list of goals hadn't even occurred to me. I knew that such things existed, but I had assumed it was the kind of thing that motivational gurus espoused whilst the espousee (which is probably not a real world) smiled, nodded and ignored them for being full of shite. Apparently not.

So, as I was thinking about this, I started to wonder what would be on such a list if I were to create one. Obviously, any list that I have of stuff to do by the time I'm thirty wouldn't really be of much use creating so it comes down to what would I like to do by the time I'm 35. So I put some thought into this, and for me it seems to be that the goals I come up with revolve around childish pursuits such as snowboarding, travelling, and not being a proper grown up. So I'm not going to write those down.

If for no other reason than that'd put me one step closer to growing up, which definitely isn't on my list.


Eoin said...

You could start with being less smelly? I feel that would be a good move toward personal development on your part ;)

Gabriel said...

I have no list. I'm wondering if I could make one but I think it would just depress me.

I'm with Eoin on this one an all... Just the farting and burping would be a start... ;O)

Joe said...

Actually, I think that the wind has died down since I escaped from the ATBA.