Thursday, 22 March 2007

My workshifts are awful

I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows this important fact. So far this week, I've worked 45 hours, and I've got another 9 hour shift to go tomorrow. Next week is even worse, and I'm going to work a 70 hour week. The bright side to working such long hours on the days that I do work is that I get more days off in return.

Anyway, so now it comes to what to do with all these days off this summer. Last year I was insanely busy with running the UK Mountainboard series, but now that I've managed to pass that headache on to somebody else (thanks Paul) I'm going to have a lot of free time over summertime.

I'm leaning toward taking up surfing. I did give it a try last summer, a fella I know who lives down in Cornwall works as a surf instructor, so I blagged a board and a wetsuit and spent an afternoon trying to catch waves. I can say in all honesty that I was crap. I managed to stand up twice all afternoon, and ended up completely knackered. I had no idea that surfing was so tiring! But despite my incredible naffness and the physical exhaustion involved in trying to surf, I really enjoyed it. So now I'm sorely tempted to see if I can pick up a surfboard and wetsuit of my own and spend my days off over the summer getting stand stuck up the crack of my arse.

Part of the reason for this is that I've recently watched Riding Giants again, and the film is such an awesome visual treat that my overwhelming crapness of surfing is offset by the delusional belief that I can be even 10% as awesome as the riders featured in the movie.

The other thing is that now that I'm living in Cardiff, I'm pretty close to some decent surf breaks on the Welsh south coast. This will mean taking my life into my own hands and swimming in the Bristol Channel, so some kind of underwater gasmask might be a wise investment.

Of course, the other option is that I'll use this free time to doss around in the back garden drinking cider and reading Murakami novels. This is probably slightly more likely, as I am a bit of a lazy sod but the romance of being a cool surf duder may well be enough of a pull to motivate my sorry arse into action. Bets are now being taken.

1 comment:

Gabriel said...

Surfing is great as long as you don't mind the cold, sitting in cars for an amazingly long amount of time purely on the basis that 'A set MIGHT turn up' (So might Claudia Schiffer, but you don't see me sat there), getting your shit nicked when you're in the water, swimming alongside condoms and turds, and locals who've watched too Point Break WAY too much... as well as looking like a retard on an alcohol and valium binge. (That last bit might just be me though.)

Gimme a shout when you're going... I'll get my wetty out...