Thursday, 13 September 2007

Need for speed Mars.

Did you know that NASA scientists are driving a remote control buggy around on the surface of Mars? Did you know that they've set up a jump ramp into the 200 feet deep Victoria crater in the hope of doing the first martian backflip? Did you know that they did a frontflip into the shallower Opportunity crater 3 years ago, but that was just a case of tanking it up to the lip and pulling the front brakes as hard as they could - they needed the steeper lip and bigger drop of Victoria to go for the backflip.

This is all in preparation for next year - GW Bush, in an attempt to rescue his reputation as a bit of a fuckwit is going to dress in the Stars & Stripes and ride a rocketcycle to Mars, then do a superman seatgrab over Eagle crater. Honest.

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