Tuesday, 18 September 2007

How to evolve a weapon

Ok - this all revolves around cluster bombs, so first of all - let's review what a cluster bomb is. A cluster bomb is a big rocket stuffed full of 'bomblets'. It explodes in the air, and all these bomblets fall to the ground and explode. If they hit something hard, they explode straight away. If they don't, they wait until something hard (like say - someone's shoe) stands on them, then they explode. If this sounds a little like a mine, then you've probably worked out why there are calls to ban them - it's because they are rather a lot like mines, and since Diana Princess of Parisian Tunnels died, there's been a recognition that mines aren't really that nice of a device.

Right - now that we all know what a cluster bomb is - we can continue with the story. Back in February of this year, the UK said that they were going to work toward a treaty to ban these things. Forty five other nations agreed with them, and off they went to sort out the details. Well, here we are in September, and according to Defence secretary Des Browne & the MOD - Britain has stopped using dumb cluster bombs.

Hang on a second...'Dumb cluster bombs'? Yes! That's right - the British army only uses clever cluster bombs! The British Army is an army of thinking soldiers, and now, the British Army is an army of thinking weapons as well!

So let's review - the British government have decided to ban dumb cluster bombs, which sounds all well and humanitarian until you realise that all Britain's cluster bombs were classified as smart cluster bombs by the MOD about 15 minutes before the ban was announced.

How's that for a classic bit of doublespeak?

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