Thursday, 13 September 2007

Electrical gubbinery

So it is with great excitement that I can announce that my mobile phone has now been upgraded!

OK; I would agree that a mobile phone upgrade isn't usually that exciting a prospect, but you have to take some things into consideration here. Firstly, I'm on 3. This means that the phones are usually pretty high up on the scale of techgeekasmism, and that they've got all kinds of nifty features. Secondly, three sent me an MMS (a videoclip sms) telling me that my upgrade was due and showing me some nice pictures of telephones.

Well that's a nice lie isn't it. What really happened was this - my phone was starting to switch itself off when I asked it to send an SMS (really fucking annoying), so knowing that my contract's up for renewal I phoned 3 and dipped my toe in the water. What I found was that they were helpful (recommended I downgrade my contract as I wasn't using the minutes they were giving me) and able to discuss technical specs of phones (I have a burgeoning collection of MicroSD cards and wanted a phone I could use 'em on). I was reasonably impressed, as usually when I phone 3 it's a bit of a struggle.

So now I have a new Nokia 6120 Smartphone. It's smaller than my old phone, it's got Nokia's version of GoogleEarth on it, along with MSN, Skype and good email compatibility. But here's cherry on the geekcake - it runs Quake. Not an import, not some made for mobile watered down version - it plays the original Quake. Admittedly, it's a nightmare without a keyboard and mouse, and it drains the battery like a sonovabitch, but it's worth it for the soundeffects.

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