Thursday, 24 May 2007

Supergnar Shredalism


So as winter approaches (what? It's right after summer isn't it?) the snowboard industry has started shaking it's tail feather in my direction trying to tempt me with it's sweet sweet candy. Mostly it's stuff like new kit that's available, and as nice as some of it is, it ain't really blogable.

However, Mack Dawg have released the trailer for their new movie 'Picture This'. For those of you who need this explained, snowboard movies are released every year, and feature a bunch of riders being supergnarly and doing megawootangtrickery. The Mack Dawg crew are some of the best in the world, and their films tend to be pretty awesome.

For the AV nerds out there, I'm sure you'll be happy to know it's also being released in HD DVD. For those of you who have a life and don't spend 45 minutes at a dinner party telling people about the active speaker sound funnel that puts out 1.21 gigawatts that you have - it's being released in normal DVD as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the way that you call people geeks as you manage your own blog, command Space Wolves into battle, have an encyclopedic knowledge of comic books, can make off the cuff references to any one of a thousand films (Joe spent 20 mins getting me to guess what film the 1.21 Gigawatts reference is from. I didn't get it. I am not enough of a geek apparently), will voluntarily talk the hind legs off a donkey about boarding, politics, TV Shows or Social Inequities and furthermore, regularly dress up as Princess Leia the Slave Girl...

The defence rests m'lud.