Friday, 4 May 2007

Electionfest, part confused

So the leader of the SNP is complaining that voting in the Scottish elections was confusing because there were 3 different ballots involved (perhaps this explains the ninja attack).

Now, I'd be tempted to say that this is a huge load of bullshit, and just leave it at that, but to give you an example -

The majority for Labour in Airdrie was 1446.
The number of rejected ballot papers was 1536.

So there we have it, the Scottish ballot papers are very confusing. The problem is compounded by the fact that it's looking like the Scottish elections are going to be very close overall, so the number of spoilt papers are really important. Of course, it could just be because the Scottish voters are all drunk.

I also want to mention that 5 minutes after I bitched about Wales not having any results yet, the first results started to come through. 15 of 60 seats are now declared, Labour are down 1, which was lost to an independant. Not quite the swing that some would have expected.
Rhodri Morgan still won't say what will be a 'bad night' in terms of numbers (if Labour have a bad night, he's said he'll quit).

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