Thursday, 26 April 2007

The Welsh are a bit stupid (I should know, I am one)

So the Welsh are often dirided for being drunken idiots. It's a stereotype that I'm not particularly keen to perpetuate, but I sometimes feel like I'm swimming against the stream.

Let's take this case as an example. Part of me feels that it's wrong to mock someone who's been through such a terrible ordeal; but it's a small part of me and is drowned out by the larger part of me that's laughing really hard at this woman's idiocy.

So first off - the bloke tells the woman that he's dying of cancer and that the only way to ease his suffering is sex. So in the 21st century, when we have CAT scans and medical lasers the best way to relieve cancer pain is shagging. And she believed him. And she believed him! Let's just take a minute to absorb that information.

So we now know that this woman isn't the brightest person on the planet. But then it gets better. He gives her herpes. At this point, you'd think that the gig would be up. After all, sex healing cancer's one thing; but an STD is an STD, and everyone knows what herpes is. Right? WRONG!

He now (in what might possibly be the craziest lie I've ever heard) tells her that the best way to apply the herpes cream he's got her is anal sex. It's at this stage readers that my brain melts with disbelief, so I'll hand you over to her own words - “I thought that he was doing it in my interests and for my benefit. I thought I was consenting to a medical procedure.”

It's probably worth mentioning at this point that giving me a blowjob will relieve headaches and halt the aging process in all size 12 and below women aged 20-30. Just so you all know.

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