Saturday, 14 April 2007

Political snippetery

So Gordon Brown has had his first face to face meeting with GWB. I can't help but wonder what they'll talk about. After all, Brown is acknowledged to be one of the brighter puppies in the labour party, while Bush's IQ rating is often thought to fluctuate around the room temperature level.

I wonder if Bush has made up a nickname for Gordon yet (if it turns out to be Flash, I said it first).

Also in the news recently was a home office report on the viability of ID cards. According to the report, a third of people won't carry the cards. The full report available here. The government are saying that the report is totaly out of date. They're probably right - I imagine that nearer half the population aren't so keen on the cards these days with all the dumbassery that's associated with this idea.

Which probably means there'll be a TV campaign telling everyone that if you don't support ID cards you're a terrorist - Just like they did with video piracy. Yay

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