Sometimes, this coolstuff impulse is put to use for the powers of good, and many people get absolutely awesome presents from me. But in all honesty, this isn't the regular state of affairs, and what tends to happen is that I buy cool stuff for me, and my friends get shitty presents because I'm skint.
On the other hand, they get the pleasure of my sparkling company, so they don't have anything to complain about.
Anyway - the reason I'm telling you this is that for the last month or so, my coolstuff gland has been working overtime in regard to something coming out next year from an American company called Libtech. In a world obsessed with being cool and looking gnarlier and having more shizzle than the competitors, Lib stand out as being effortlessly cool and completely barking mad.
The board that I have my eye on is something called (and I'm not kidding) THE SKATE BANANA. Even if there wasn't brand new technology involved in this board, even if early reviews didn't suggest it's one of the most fun boards ever made ever I reckon I'd still be interested in this board because it's bright fucking yellow.
Hell, I want this board if only because Lib are crazy enough to make an advertisment like this one!

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