Saturday, 14 July 2007

Swans. Thousands of them!

Well ok, not thousands strictly speaking, but loads. There's a lake across from where I'm sat at the moment and a quick count comes in at 31. It's quite a strange sight really - I've seen swans before, but usually there's only a handful of them gliding about as other waterfowl scoot around them. But not here. 31 swans, and no other birds in site. Perhaps it's a convention or something. Maybe they're plotting. It wouldn't surprise me. They can break a man's arm with their wings you know.

Must suck to be that man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just saw your 30 odd swans form up in single file, and start off upstream... As they reached the corner of the pool, another single file line of swans came into view swimmin upstream to join them. They joined ranks, and formed up a double file line, and then quietly and slowly started to swim upstream in perfect co-ordination...

That man with the broken arm's probably upstream. They gonna get him good this time round I can tell yer.