Saturday, 14 July 2007

There's been a lull in activity

I mean it's not like the world's gone dead - I've just been a bit slack.

It's not like there isn't news out there that I could comment on. I mean there's been George Bush making kids cry, Starbucks showing that they're not completely oblivious to public opinion, and Louisiana banning cockfighting (though that's not as spectacular as you think - at the start of 2007 it was also legal in New Mexico).

The current series of Doctor Who ended, and I have to be honest - after dedicating 2 entries in this blog to the series, after saying how good it was, and after suggesting you should watch it I feel I should apologise for the final episode as it was fucking naff. I have to say that John Simm showed just how good an actor he is, and Russell Davies showed just how bad a writer he is (I wish I was exaggerating).

The main problem however has been that I've actually been surfing, and I'm pretty damn addicted. After years of falling on tarmac, rocks, gravel and trees; the wipeouts in surfing offer an enjoyable alternative. I'm also finding out that surfing is by far one of the most physically demanding activities I've ever done. But here's the thing that appeals - in the other sports I do - skateboarding, snowboarding, mountainboarding - it's always helpful to have a 'crew' around you. A bunch of other riders to hook up with on a regular basis, and to go out and push each other with. Now while I definitely had that in London, I don't feel that I've had it in Cardiff. Don't get me wrong, there are people in Cardiff who I go riding with, but there's not been that connection that comes with a crew. I don't particularly know why, but it's probably my fault... Surfing feels more of a solitary pastime. It's more about you & the wave, and while I've found it nice to sit out there and chat with other surfers around me, I'm yet to ask anyone their name (or have my name asked) and it's more just about a bit of idle chat while you wait for your wave to show up.

And for those of you who want to know how good I am? I'm fucking awful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

5 years of telling you surfings better than skating because the wipeouts are less painful. 5 years of you saying it's just cos I'm a whuss. Be prepared for 5 years of 'I fucking tod you so, you nong...'