Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Joe 1 v Evian drinkers 0

This is the news that I am in a better state than all those bottled water swigging mooks out there, and all because I drink cups of tea. Yes that's right. Cups of tea. Milk and 2, first thing in the morning. I can think of at least one chalet owner who should be made to read this page after complaining about my tea drinking habits last year!

You have to admit though, flogging bottled water is a pretty good con. After all, two thirds of the damn planet is water. Though it can be taken too far.

Take for example Coca-Cola. Now while I do love to mention how they desperately try to not mention that their orange drink Fanta was invented by the Nazis, I'm almost tempted to say that calling their branded tapwater (no really, it was just tap water) Dasani "bottled spunk" was an even bigger gaff.

1 comment:

AJ said...

I find this very interesting. What you have neglected to factor into your vendetta against water is its versatility. A nice cold glass of water is not only refreshing on a hot summer day, but is perfect for pouring on big booty hoes up in the club. I would agree that a healthy mix of tea in one's diet would be beneficial, however the only tea pouring going down would be on old grandmothers at a nursing home. I prefer the club mang. Stay Crunk.