There's no denying that I am a childish son of a bitch. This is never more apparent than when I am snowboarding. Now Danno is just as bad as me at this (actually he's probably worse) and so the two of us on a slope usually ends up with at least some dicking around.
The thing is, as we've got better at snowboarding, so we've had to find other ways of being idiots. It started with kicking your board on the footrest of the lift as you go over the top of trails in an attempt to dislodge snow onto the poor saps below. Soon after, it escalated to taking snowballs onto the lift with you to drop on unsuspecting victims; now however, it has taken a darker and more deliberate turn. We've become Slash addicts.
The Slash is a simple move - you gain a wodge of speed, and as you pass a completely innocent bystander you put in a hard turn. This creates a large spray of snow in your wake, covering the aforementioned innocent bystander (often to their complete surprise). It's a childish, childish, childish thing to do. I love it. It's good old fashioned harmless idiocy. You create a huge cloud of snow and ride away as someone stands there looking like they've gone five rounds with a bag of flour.
The most important part of the Slash though is the final move - the wave. You're riding away, you've covered someone head to toe in snow and they're probably a little miffed at you; so you do the only thing you can - look back up the hill, smile and wave an apology.
I swear, I have no justification here - it's childish, it's stupid and I'm covering some poor innocent folk in snow. But it's great fun and gives me a chuckle every time, and if there's one thing that snowboarding should do it's make you smile.
1 comment:
Then there's the chinese snowplough in skiing. Did I show you it?
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