Friday, 7 December 2007

I love the NIE!!!!!!

Yes I do.

The NIE is the United States National Intelligence Estimate. This is all about the declassified central findings of a report released this week that says that Iran halted it's nuclear weapons program back in 2003.

Why is this report important? Because up until that report came out, the Whitehouse had been working hard to shape the public's perception that Iran is a dangerously close to having a nuclear bomb and that the best way to protect America is to bomb Iran back into the stone age.

Hmm...well that sounds familiar!

Now before you go out and decry this report as an aberration, let's remember that the IAEA report came back with pretty much the same conclusions, and it's hard to ignore the fact that maybe we don't need a world war three just yet.

You know how bored I am of GWB's warmongery? I'm not even going to make a joke about it. But I am going to tell you that if you watch some of Bill Hick's stuff about Iraq, you could almost forget that he's talking about George Bush Senior and Gulf War version 1.0.

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